Fertility Acupuncture in Long Beach

Let us help optimize your fertility to ensure a smooth and healthy pregnancy.

At Thien Lake Acupuncture, we construct personalized treatment plans for every stage of your fertility journey whether you are an individual or couple seeking to conceive your dream baby naturally or via IUI or IVF. We used evidence based fertility acupuncture, herbal medicine, lifestyle modifications and nutrition to treat a wide range of fertility issues including:

  • Abnormal menstruation & ovulation

  • Endometriosis

  • Fallopian tube obstructions

  • Hormone imbalances including elevated FSH

  • Low sperm count, increased morphology, or poor motility

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

  • Poor egg quality or diminished ovarian reserve

  • Recurrent miscarriage and pregnancy loss

  • Secondary infertility

  • Thin uterine lining and decreased cervical fluid

  • Unexplained infertility

  • Uterine fibroids, polyps, & cysts

Natural Fertility Support

Our natural fertility support program is designed to bring your body back into balance from deeply within. Enhancing fertility and improving pregnancy success outcomes is different for each couple which is why we will develop a specialized treatment plan to increase the chances of conception and healthy full-term pregnancy. Our goal is to uncover and correct the root causes that are blocking or disrupting your fertility potential.

We recommend starting our program at least three months before conception takes place as it takes about three months for an egg to mature. However, starting treatment at any time is still beneficial to get your body as a whole in the best condition for conception to occur.

Benefits of acupuncture and Eastern medicine for fertility include:

  • Improved blood supply and circulation to the uterus and ovaries

  • Balanced hormones and menstrual cycles to aid in conception

  • Stress reduction and improved sleep

  • Improved cervical fluid and uterine lining

  • Improved sperm quality (within 3 months)

  • Improved egg quality (within 3 months)

IUI / IVF Support

Thien Lake Acupuncture works collaboratively with South Bay Los Angeles and Orange County fertility clinics offering acupuncture treatments in the weeks prior to their patient’s IUI and IVF appointments to prepare women’s bodies for healthy implantation and on the day of embryo transfers to increase successful outcomes.

There are many scientific studies that show how acupuncture can increase IVF and IUI success rates dramatically. A review combining the results of seven previous studies has found that IVF with acupuncture (compared to IVF alone) increases the chances of having an ongoing pregnancy (beyond 12 weeks from gestation) by 87%, and nearly doubles the chance of a successful live birth.

Click here to learn more about our IUI / IVF support program